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TED goes public (kind of)

Those of you who were following my blogging from TED 2006 can now get a much better sense of the TED experience (which is coming to Africa next June!)

Via the TEDTalks website, “Each year, TED hosts some of the world’s most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. The talks they […]

Go Ghana!

Recently read a quote that urges you to distrust people who use the word impossible or something along those lines. Do I believe that Ghana can komonga Brazil? Absolutely.

Meanwhile, Koranteng has a great post on Ghana vs. the US and only 400 Ghanians will be in the stadium thanks to Schengen visa restrictions. […]

Things to do

1) Get installed as an elder and immediately declare I’m running for President.

2) Make Michuki’s (s)hit list. Full ad can be seen here.

AOB: Given the latest TI-Kenya saga, can Gladwell Otieno come out of her fox-hole and do some whistle blowing, this business of having access to storos and then sitting on them […]

Another hour in Parliament (and a public announcement)

Posted on Mzalendo.

Quick hits

– Wizzy (leveraging locality) , neat program that allows wikipedia to be used offline in schools that can’t afford to be online all the time. Also check out their linux thin clients and the digital courier that allows “delayed surfing.”

– Black Stars shining on and off the pitch.

– Blogging Africa’s World […]

On Sandaks

This post at Cock and Bull Stories took me back to my Sandak days.

I was into Sandaks like a problem. Like Ken writes Sandaks made shoes affordable for the masses. Before Sandaks convincing your parents to shell out chums for non-essential shoes (i.e. either school shoes or the obligatory Sunday-best shoes) was a […]

Upcoming Kenyan budget

For the policy wonks, all you ever wanted to know about the 2006/2007 budget (includes links for non-wonks as well). AOB: What kind of rubbish reporting is this? To think that the parliament press passes are wasted on these guys.

A glimpse into a day in the Kenyan Parliament

In case you haven’t seen it yet, this is a must read.