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Stepping Down as Ushahidi Executive Director

It is almost 3 years to the day that I sent out a plea to Kenyan bloggers and techies to help me build what would become Ushahidi.

Since then it has been a crazy ride…from producing an incredible open source platform and working towards scale, to building and working with an incredibly talented team, to […]

Vote for Ushahidi – USAID/Netsquared Mobile Challenge

We need your support again. Last time you helped us get much needed start-up funding, now we need your help to get our next phase of growth going. About the voting process Voting is only open for a week beginning Monday, December 8 at 9:00am Pacific Time (U.S.) through Friday, December 12 at 5:00pm Pacific […]

Ushahidi Featured in Forbes Magazine!

Click here for details.

Thank you to Ushahidi volunteers!

One of the best/most amazing things about Ushahidi has been the spirit of community that has surrounded it since its inception. We certainly wouldn’t be where we are today without the individuals who have stepped up to give generous amounts of their time and skill for no other reason other than the fact that they […]

Ushahidi deploys in DRC

After a week of scrambling we are finally going live today with an Ushahidi site dedicated to DRC. There has been quite a bit of media attention being paid to the renewed fighting in Eastern Congo and the resulting humanitarian crisis, but given the complexities of the situation we thought it would be worthwhile to […]

Ushahidi alpha is out!

Click here for all the juicy details!

Update on Ushahidi smart phone development

As Erik notes, we will be doing a lot more than smart phone development, but the team has been making great progress on the Java and Iphone apps (and soon Android) and we would love to get your feedback.

Quick Hits June 30

– Now this is competitive advantage

– How to make a killer slide presentation.

– Is Google making you stupid?

_ Ushahidi featured in MIT’s Technology Review as one of Top 10 Start-ups to watch.