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On hiatus (again)

Apologies for the lack of frequent posts.

Unfortunately, the trend will continue for a while.

Fortunately, it’s for a very good reason.

Baby number 2 is due in about +/- 2 weeks.

It’s been a LOONG journey, second time around. Not just because I’ve been chasing my rambunctious toddler around. There […]

Kenyan protestors arrested for wearing T-shirts!!!!

Via Sukuma Kenya:

Caroline Mutoko of Kiss FM and Mwalimu Mati of Mars Group Kenya are among those who have this morning been arrested at the Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi. The two have been taken to the Langata police station. 60 other Kenyans are also being bundled into waiting police vehicles and it appears […]

Private prosecution instituted against ECK Commissions

Private criminal proceedings have been instituted before the Chief Magistrate’s Court in Nairobi against the ECK Commissioners by a KPTJ member Julius Melli as the complainant on behalf of the Republic. Case is Private Prosecution No 7 of 2008 Republic through Julius Melli versus Samuel Mutua Kivuitu & 21 others before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Gilbert […]

Vote for Ushahidi – USAID/Netsquared Mobile Challenge

We need your support again. Last time you helped us get much needed start-up funding, now we need your help to get our next phase of growth going. About the voting process Voting is only open for a week beginning Monday, December 8 at 9:00am Pacific Time (U.S.) through Friday, December 12 at 5:00pm Pacific […]

Join in the civic action against greedy Kenyan MPs

Click here for all the details of how you can participate – from buying a t-shirt to marching in protest on Dec 12th. As the community in Kibera demonstrated, the politicians only respond when you make your voices heard clearly so please make your voices heard.