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And yet another post on women in tech

The recent “Women in Tech” (disaster) panel at Techcrunch reminded me of a long overdue post I’ve been wanting to write on the absence-of- women-in-tech debate that’s being doing the rounds over the last few months.

Part of it revolves around the far too common prevalence of all (white) male panels/speakers at top tech […]

Internet as a candidate for Nobel Prize?

Interesting idea.

M-Pesa featured in the Christian Science Monitor

They expect to have 1 million customers by Jan 2008! Click here for the story.

Free wireless in Nairobi

Apparently KDN is offering free wi-fi in Nairobi (think it’s a promotion for their Butterfly product). It’s supposed to last through the end of the month. If you have a wi-fi enabled laptop, PDA etc. just search for the essid butterfly and connect. They are supposed to have around 100 access points in Nairobi.


Quick hits!

– Presenting Jahazi (thanks Riyaz for initial heads up…man there’s lots of things buzzing in Nairobi, can’t wait to spend more time there). Can’t wait for it to go mobile and very happy to see Kenyan developers doing their thing.

– Also worth checking out, the Kenyan myspace – Nivipi.

– African blog spotlight: […]


I’m still without an ADSL line so in between that and Gabriella, my surfing is spotty at best. The 3-G card hookup was fantastic like for a week and a half then the speed dramatically dropped…classic bait and switch…MTN is rubbish. I haven’t even dared to check my aggregator recently…opening my gmail alone is an […]

Announcing Bar Camp Nairobi

First, thank you all for your kind words. Have to figure out how to fight off the punks down the road. We are doing well though Mama has to learn how to survive on catnaps since the concept of sleep is out the window.

Still no ADSL at home. I’ve succumbed and got a MTN […]

Quick Hits

– New model for wireless internet?

– On why telling a black person thatthey are “articulate” is not a compliment.

– 2008 aspirants get their blog on.

– Interesting model for smaller scale VC funding – something like this would be easy to implement in Kenya.