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Public Forum on Transitional Justice

Film Festival and Public Forum on Transitional Justice in Kenya

Theme: Reflecting on the Campaign for Reforms and Political Accountability in Kenya. A four-part documentary titled The Unturned Stones will be launched and two publications on transitional justice: A Case Digest on Torture and A Toolkit for Transitional Justice.

Venue: French Cultural Centre (Alliance […]

Public lecture on sexual minority rights in Kenya

UHAI and Akiba Uhaki in conjunction with KHRC, GALCK, YWLI, UAF-A, KLSS and CREAW invite you to: A public lecture on sexual minority rights (Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Rights) in Kenya Keynote Speaker: Professor Makau W. Mutua Venue: Alliance Francaise Date: 16 February 2010 Time: 4-6pm RSVP: info@uhai-eashri.org, info@akibauhaki.org, 0722 659 346

Recent blog finds

EDIT: broken links fixed

Have come up across some gems recently that I need to share (and yes I should get back to blogging myself, I know, I know).

– Mo’dernity Mo’problems

– Solo Kinshasa

– This is Africa