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Baby Nia

Born on 29/12/08. Hefty 3.52 kgs. We’re all well and thankful for a wonderful start to 2009. Thanks everyone for your messages. Back to sleepless nights for me (however, nice to be a relaxed mama second time around).

On hiatus (again)

Apologies for the lack of frequent posts.

Unfortunately, the trend will continue for a while.

Fortunately, it’s for a very good reason.

Baby number 2 is due in about +/- 2 weeks.

It’s been a LOONG journey, second time around. Not just because I’ve been chasing my rambunctious toddler around. There […]

Summer goodness…

Gabi at 20 months, and full of storos. She’s always been a happy child and I’m thankful for that.

Gabi 20 months

Channeling Kanye West’s Superstar….

…it’s been a while since I’ve posted a pic of a now toddler KP. She’s 18 months, almost 19 and a bundle of energy and curiosity…I’m loving it! First full sentence – “Wow! What’s this?” when I get home with shopping bags. That’s her doing karaoke at a friend’s bash. Her current favorite song is […]

End of week goodness…

IMG_1005 Originally uploaded by ateka.

For the fellow mama’s – a mummy post.

I didn’t coordinate the “b” block. For real.

She’s eleven months next week. Cruising along furniture now and still very desperate to walk, but balance not there. We’re both bored of baby food so I think she starts eating […]

Baby KP Update

Gabi_8.5 months Originally uploaded by ateka.

She’s just turned nine months and is such a joy. She can wave goodbye and hello…it’s the cutest thing. FINALLY sleeping through the night…yes I endured 8.5 months of not having more than 4 hours of straight sleep. What did it in the end? Not sure. I […]

Edible toesies

Edible toesies Originally uploaded by ateka.

They really are edible.

Thanks everyone who left a comment/emailed on the transitions to solids. Cereal is still a challenge – so far cerelac, 4C porridge, and oatmeal have been rejected. We’ve come full circle and are back to rice cereal with some fruit in it. […]

Little Ms. Sunshine

IMG_0670 Originally uploaded by ateka.

We can sit up on our own for a bit, ears got pierced with minimal fuss, still hate carrots, don’t care too much for any kind of cereal either but mama is insisting.
