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Post-media blackout update Dec 31 4:30 pm

– Media Council has strongly denounced the ban on live broadcasts. I suspect that media houses were caught off-guard and are just now trying to find their footing. I’ve been told that KISS fm has been doing a good job with updates. Also hopefully print media will be back in full force tomorrow (if we […]

Post-media blackout update Dec 31 2:30 pm

From news sources:

– Bitange Ndemo said that news media can broadcast news it just has to be delayed because the Government doesn’t have the technology to censor live broadcasts if there is inciteful information being broadcast.

Death tolls so far (this is from media sources, I suspect number is much higher getting […]

I’m back up

Have been unable to post or moderate comments today. Not sure what the issue was since my bandwidth is not close to being exceeded.

Got paranoid and thought that the govt was blocking me, but would like to think that the local ISP I’m using has just been overwhelmed with the traffic.

Off […]

Post-media blackout update Dec 31 1:20 am

I’m OK, blog is not down just took a break to decompress.

As far as the arrest rumor, consensus is that Pentagon rumors HAVE NOT been arrested.

Drove to a friend’s house less than ten minutes away and had to go through a police checkpoint. Very scary.

I have no news to […]

Update 30 Dec 9:30 pm – post media blackout

Some people have problems understanding English so I will try one more time. Yes I am biased. Biased against a flawed process and whoever is behind it. I am not going to be neutral on this particular point so get over it!

With live media shut down [update – ban just extended to phone […]

Media blackout announced

All live broadcasts have been suspended by the government. The order was released as ODM was addressing their press conference.

This is now officially a police state.

So we have no idea what ODM is saying, and what the security situation is around the country.

If I was ODM, I’d jump on Youtube […]

It’s a sad day for Kenya

Tears are rolling down my eyes as I’m writing this.

It is a sad day for Kenya when Ruto and Kosgey are the guys arguing for justice and fairness.

It is a sad day for Kenya when Karua and Kibwana are defending rigged results.

It is a sad day for Kenya when […]

Kibaki being sworn in at State House right now

– Very big crowd of PNU guys there. Disgusting to see guys laughing and applauding Kivuitu’s bad jokes while the country is already burning – Kisumu, Kibera, Ongata Rongai, Eastlands already on fire.

Clearly this was part of the plan all along once the results were not going.

Chief Justice and A-G are […]