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On who gets to speak for Africa…

This is something that I would generally have kept off-record for a number of reasons including the fact that I don’t want to come across as having a big ego and I’d like to give the BBC panel organizers the benefit of the doubt. However, I’m have been pretty outspoken about the fact that I’m […]

Women where at thou?

Several of my virtual and real buddies have received scholarships to attend TED Arusha. So far, all the receipients that I know are male…a trend similar to the Blogging Indaba last year… and I’m curious to know whether there are any women out there who’ve applied for/ received a scholarship to TED. Please leave a […]

Things that make you hmmm…

… maybe it’s just me, but I find it curious that youth from Korogocho can effectively organize and demonstrate against high food prices (and other injustices) at the World Social Forum that was recently held in Nairobi, yet their local Member of Parliament gets away with being AWOL.

What gives?

On Moving Back Pt 2.

Disclaimer: I’ve been rather peripatetic since coming back so I’m in essence a quasi-returnee.

Moving on.

Osas yearningly wants to know: Ory advise me first, pretty please, about that enigmatic promise of yours, where you assured that you now can “get home at a decent hour to find a hot meal waiting for you.” […]

On moving back pt. 1

So when I moved back I had all these grand ambitions of alpha-blogging from a local’s perspective…and then life took over. Plus I’m not as hilarious as Kenyan Prodigal Daughter (where is your book girl?). And I like to maintain my punditing blogging persona.

I’m now reading a book that somewhat captures what the […]

Happy New Year!

Regular blogging should resume soon (including a segment on breathalyzers or what Kenyans are calling “Vuta pumzi”) and, due to popular demand, the Kenyan Journalism series will continue.

In the meantime, a mini rant. WTF? Ati, “Prof Mack said the artefacts were either bought by the British or given as gifts to missionaries. Britain […]

What is ailing Kenyan journalism Part III?

Spurred on by more comments…

I’d like to start be revisiting a line in Gukira’s post that inspired Pt. I: “We have long complained that the Western press presents “rubbish stories,” indifferent to “real issues.” Is the Kenyan press no less complicit?” It’s been interesting to see some of the comments citing the same reasons […]

What is ailing Kenyan Journalism Pt. II?

Some more interesting / thought-provoking stuff from the comments section.. .my response to some of the issues raised is in bold.

Acolyte: Speak of the devil. Starting a paper may not be hard but keeping it running will be hard,the advertising pie in kenya is not all that large. Kenyan Pundit:True.

Acolyte:Let me […]