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Mzalendo Update

Mzalendo has lots of new snazzy features mainly geared to . Please stop by and check them out and let us know if you have any ideas, comments, etc.

Charterhouse Exposed and other storos

Hot on the heels of the Kroll Report, Wikileaks has now leaked documents related to the Charterhouse saga.

Charterhouse is still under statutory management, while the CBK investigates allegations of money laundering among other things. Three of the whistle blowers who first broke the story are now in exile after receiving death threats.

Unlike […]

Google jobs in Africa

Couple of new Nairobi and Joburg listings. Just got back from a couple of days in Nairobi. Regular punditing resumes tomorrow.

AOB: PNU (Kibaki’s new outfit) has been labeled “Porojo na Ukabila”….hehe guys in Nairobi are fast.


I watch Big Brother Africa.

I know.

I got sucked in.

Ati first just to see what the fuss is about, and then as “background” when I’m working at home, and then so I could contribute meaningfully to office storos. But I knew things were thick, when I timed the eviction show this past […]

Mzalendo featured on BBC Outlook

I was interviewed by BBC Outlook about Mzalendo yesterday, the questions were great and I think the interview came out pretty well (it’s always painful to listen to myself on radio/tv though). Click here to listen, the story is at the very end.

Edible toesies

Edible toesies Originally uploaded by ateka.

They really are edible.

Thanks everyone who left a comment/emailed on the transitions to solids. Cereal is still a challenge – so far cerelac, 4C porridge, and oatmeal have been rejected. We’ve come full circle and are back to rice cereal with some fruit in it. […]

Looting of Kenya under Moi

I’m a bit late to this story…got the link two days ago but didn’t have a chance to blog (hat tip Banks) Kroll Report on grand corruuption under Moi is leaked on Wikileaks (click for all the gory details).