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KELELE – it’s a conference

It will be a couple of years after the brouhaha surrounding the first African bloggers conference in Grahamstown SA and its supposed lack of diversity, but it’s finally good to see the announcement about an African bloggers conference in Nairobi. Hopefully those of you who felt that Grahamstown could have “looked” better will take this […]

Youtube video on call centers in Kenya

Bitange Ndemo and Nesbitt of Kencall are featured. Click here to watch.

AOB: Rising Voices has announced their second round of grant funding of up to $5,000 for citizen media outreach projects…”Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage […]

KP on Canadian Radio

Was interviewed last week for a neat radio show (and not just because they had me on!) called Spark, check it out.

African Blog of the Week

Startups in Kenya -“all about entreprenuership, start-ups, venture capitalist, and netpreneurs in Kenya.”

Includes such gems such as a guide to setting up a rural cyber cafe from an entrepreneur’s perspective (beats your average NGO-produced guide to “bridging the digital divide”). Just wish he’d blog more…but maybe he’s busy being an entrepreneur


African blog spotlight of the week

Two recent finds that I enjoy. Both blogging from Uganda:

1. Jackfruity

2. Communist Socks and Boots.

Quick hits

– Imnakoya comments on Black Looks post on poor links among African bloggers. I used to do a lot of his point one i.e. link to other Kenyan/African bloggers at least every couple of days, but this habit dropped off as I got busier and spent less time blogging. I will do my best to […]

Blogging Indaba Roundup

In case you haven’t caught it, Ndesanjo (new Sub-Saharan Africa editor for Global Voices!) has a very useful roundup of all the posts surrounding the indaba.

DCI Blogging Indaba – some (final?) thoughts

Apart from a few smart-ass remarks on my blog, I have largely avoided any commentary on the controversy (and rather stimulating debate) surrounding Blogging Indaba. Why is this? Because like I said before, I have little time for polemics (let alone time to regularly blog anymore) and I’d rather focus my energy on changing […]