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Kivuitu Responds

Full details of the chronology of events can be found on Shailja’s blog.

Kudos to her for her persistence and showing fellow Kenyans why it is important to keep up the fight to hold leaders accountable in whatever way we can…it should not just be business as normal!

After reading Kivuitu’s response, let me […]

We Won the Netsquared Challenge!

All the details here.

Thank you everyone for the support and cheerleading!

Quick Hits May 27

– Great piece about Kenyan blogger (and Mara park ranger) Joseph Kimojino. Got me wondering if local experienced bloggers could other organizations develop their online presence (I know Daudi’s doing a great job with Kwani and Generation Kenya).

– Always uber-helpful Life hacker roundup.

– 6 most frequently quoted BS stats.

– Hash […]

Thank you for supporting Ushahidi

To everyone who took the time to navigate the registration requirement and vote for us at NetSquared, thank you, thank you, thank you again.

We made it to the finals and the winners will be announced next week…keep your fingers crossed!

We have been busy working on growing Ushahidi (details to come soon) and […]

Xenophobia in SA

Thanks for the emails, sms’s, comments etc. Me and the fam are safe and sound.

Most of the targets of the attacks have been those who were already vulnerable and living in the townships/poorer parts of town. That’s no comfort to us though, because the violence seems to be spiraling out of control with […]

CCP Update May 9

CP meeting notes Mathare:

– Mwangi Kihara, the Chairman of the Mathare United Landlord organization (MALUO) reported that negotiation between Landlords and illegal occupants of houses in Mathare ongoing. So far at least 111 illegal tenants have agreed to leave the houses. KVP (Kenya Veterans for Peace) has been facilitating this process.

– It […]

Sessional Paper No. 10

Interesting analysis of how the (in)famous Sessional Paper no 10 authored by edit Tom Mboya (mea culpa for previously attributing to Kibaki and thanks to those who corrected, great background on Mboya can be found here) is relevant to the current situation in Kenya.

EDIT: (Woz, here’s a better link, Cheers). Full text of […]

Mental Break: Safari Rally

So me and the fam were out of town for the holiday weekend…while driving to one of the tourist sites we visited, we came across groups of people parked on the side of the road waiting for cars participating in the Sasol Rally (never heard of it before) to drive by. It reminded me of […]