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Excerpts from the Githongo Dossier to Kibaki

Landed in my inbox this morning…can’t vouch for it’s veracity, but it seems to closely mirror recent press articles.

“I called Vice-President Moody Awori on the hotline regarding the Immigration Department contract matters and he denied knowledge of this, saying that he had made a point of not knowing about these things. However, he promised […]

Unveiling the mysteries of the Kenyan Parliament…

…has been much harder than I could ever have imagined.

I have a project that I’m trying to get going that on some level might need to rely on the largesse of the very institution that I’m about to throw barbs at, but oh well….

As recently reported by the Standard and blogged […]

African blogosphere hits the mainstream press…

First, the Nigerian blogosphere was recently featured in the mainstream press. And the Washington Post featured Sudanese rebels who are running their rebellions via blogs. Then Thinker and other Kenyan bloggers get profiled in the Standard (with proper attribution and all!) courtesy of this post.

AOB: Mtaa FM.

Detroit Baby!

I’m delirious! The Broncos looked shell-shocked…hehehe.

Blind item day

Standard is on a roll.…

Who could they be talking about?

Minister 1 is likely Kipruto Kirwa: “One of them, who was not anywhere near Anglo Leasing, but managed to curve out a goldmine in his ministry, I am told, now has a new mansion somewhere on the undulating hills of a popular suburb so […]

Happy Birthday to me!

In the coming year, I’ll be taking not one but several paths less travelled…my only wish for the year is that I end up looking like a total genius in retrospect.

Oh, and Go Steelers!

EDIT: Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! And yes I am a huge Steelers fan :-).

Giving credit where it’s due…

While Pt IV. of the Kenyan journalism series is still cooking, I’d like to give credit where it’s due. I’d like to see more pieces like this.

AOB: If all goes as planned, this will soon change. A conversation with a parliament insider about a week ago revealed that there is no real reason […]

Blog = poor (wo)man’s printing press

That’s why I’m posting this here, because the Nation wouldn’t publish it back in November for some reason (and because I’m a bit swamped right now and can’t do the still elusive “real” post).

First read this op-ed(from someone who should really know better, I think). [EDIT: link has been fixed and the author […]