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DCI Blogging Indaba – some (final?) thoughts

Apart from a few smart-ass remarks on my blog, I have largely avoided any commentary on the controversy (and rather stimulating debate) surrounding Blogging Indaba. Why is this? Because like I said before, I have little time for polemics (let alone time to regularly blog anymore) and I’d rather focus my energy on changing […]

Bit of gossip

Rumor has it: Bank involved in this story is Victoria Bank and this company “Among the accounts examined is one belonging to a company that had evaded Value Added Tax to the tune of Sh247 million while no opening forms were found for an individual’s account with a turnover of Sh2.186 billion” is Nakumatt. Sources […]

Kenyans foiled again

(although their love for political gossip and “siasa” makes them abettors).

That the government can go to great (shoddy) lengths to orchestrate the mercenary press conference saga may suggest that they are well attuned to Kenyans’ infamous political amnesia.

Or am I giving them too much credit?

Anglo-leasing? Goldenberg arrests? Moody resigning? Constitution? Standard […]

Blog = poor (wo)man’s printing press

That’s why I’m posting this here, because the Nation wouldn’t publish it back in November for some reason (and because I’m a bit swamped right now and can’t do the still elusive “real” post).

First read this op-ed(from someone who should really know better, I think). [EDIT: link has been fixed and the author […]

Kibaki wakes up…finally.

I’m sure you’ve all read about the sackings by now. I’m reading the political tea leaves like everyone else so I have nothing much to add to this. By the way, after recently moaning about poor standards of journalism in the major newspapers, I’m really feeling Macharia Gaitho, his analysis on the Cabinet sackings is […]

Polling Station Kasarani

Polling Station Kasarani Originally uploaded by ateka.

Voters line up to cast their vote during Monday’s referendum.

Voters in Kasarani Constituency

Voters Kasarani Originally uploaded by ateka.

Post-referendum doze..

Tried to blog yesterday, but all the cyber-cafes in my neighborhood were closed. Trying to grab a matatu home before it gets dark so this is rushed.

– First, I will echo everyone who has commended Kenyans for voting peacefully and continuing the trend towards maturity as a democracy…it was funny reading all the […]