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Baby KP Update

Gabi_8.5 months Originally uploaded by ateka.

She’s just turned nine months and is such a joy. She can wave goodbye and hello…it’s the cutest thing. FINALLY sleeping through the night…yes I endured 8.5 months of not having more than 4 hours of straight sleep. What did it in the end? Not sure. I […]

Quick Hits

Lots of goodies today:

– Mama Mikes keep up the innovation by launching their blog. Already lots of interesting stories about what it takes to make MamaMikes tick.

– Speaking of Mama Mikes, you HAVE to read this post by Mental.

– Hash’s neat Africa Web 2.0 collage has been updated.

– Safaricom […]

Speaking of anniversaries…

Bankelele’s post on the third anniversary of his blog (congrats!) reminded me that I need to make note of Kenyan Pundit’s fourth anniversary.

That’s right, I’ve been at this for FOUR years! I’m surprised I’ve managed to keep at it for this long (well maybe not because I tend to be disciplined about certain […]

Nominations chaos.

The nominations process for the December elections were predictably chaotic. I think the guys who’ve been force out by the bigwigs, like Dan Shikanda, will fare well in December if they were able to jump on the defection merry-go-round in good time. No three-piece voting this time around…if you are unpopular you will go home. […]

Election Fever…

…is slowly creeping up on KP will almost certainly be in full swing by December. Here’s a link to an interview I did this week with Joshua Wanyama of African path.

AOB: Former Clinton strategist Dick Morris is now working for ODM. Supposedly pro bono (hhmm). Seeing the words integrity and Dick Morris in one […]

Jobs at Witness

For those interested in the intersection between human rights and technology.

AOB: This blogger is hilarious. Too bad he doesn’t write more frequently. Hat tip M!

“The truth is opposite…”

I’m getting increasing media requests to give my opinion on the Kenyan political scene given the upcoming Kenyan elections and Mzalendo.

I’m often tempted to say that there’s no point in trying to make sense of Kenyan politicians/Kenyan politics because it is often a tramedy (tragedy+comedy). I think from now on I should just send […]

Youtube video on call centers in Kenya

Bitange Ndemo and Nesbitt of Kencall are featured. Click here to watch.

AOB: Rising Voices has announced their second round of grant funding of up to $5,000 for citizen media outreach projects…”Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage […]