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Financial Times Special Report on Kenya

The Financial Times has just put together a special feature report on Kenya.  The FT has done a number of great articles on Kenya this year so I’m looking forward to reading the report – includes articles on the wave of kidnappings to hit Nairobi (just heard from a person in the know that […]

Blog find of the week: Africa is a Country

Africa is a Country – as tongue in cheek as it’s title, and great links to African artistes.

On the Ibrahim Prize for African Leadership

Dear Mo Ibrahim,

If you were to ask me, I’d just scrap the prize altogether.

There’s been a lot of debate in the past week about the Prize Committee’s decision not to award a prize this year.  From those who feel that this says a lot about the dire state of leadership in Africa, […]

Glad I dodged that bullet

A reminder of how grim Biglaw life can be.

Though I’m not so sure I’m under less pressure nowadays as a social entrepreneur in the tech space…the pressure to keep up and stay informed is intense.

Former Mayor of Bogota to speak at University of Nairobi

The Institute for Transport and Development Policy, Institute for Development Studies (IDS)*, at the University of Nairobi and the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CSUD)* at Columbia University’s Earth Institute are honored to invite you to a public lecture by Former Mayor of Bogotá, visionary politician and urban strategist, Enrique Peñalosa.

What is a Good […]

Blog find of the week: Al Jazeera Blogs

Al Jazeera TV is my first stop for wider and deeper coverage of international news on TV, especially when it comes to Africa. I think I can safely argue that no mainstream international news channel is covering Africa the way Al Jazeera is today (an aside: I think CNN’s Inside Africa is vastly improved).

So […]

Does Parenting Make you Better at Work?

Interesting article in the NYTimes.

In my experience parenting has made me better at work…how so?

a lot more focused…no time to dilly-dally if you are managing a household with two kids under three; much better at seeing the bigger picture…kids give you perspective; better at multi-tasking (I’m mum, nurse, story-teller, cook, psychologist, arbitrator, negotiater, […]

Update on the Reconciliation agreements

The South Consulting report on the implementation of the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation (KNDR) agreements, covering the period July-September 2009, can now be found on: http://www.dialoguekenya.org