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– Human rights work begins at home. I liked this piece, often when we think about politics in Kenya we often forget that the process of change begins at micro-level – how do we treat each other as Kenyans? What small acts can we engage in to change the culture of apathy?

– Speaking […]

The Raila Odinga Blog

I believe this is the first blog explicitly tied to a Kenyan politician. Hope to see more of the same in what is shaping up to be a LOOOONG campaigning period.

Contract drafting -what law school doesn’t teach you

This link is for any law school students/newbie lawyers who read my blog.

I’ve been doing a lot of transactional work over the last few months and have been struck by just how little law school prepares you for contract drafting. In fact, Contract Law as it is currently taught in most law schools […]

We Media Miami 2007

The next We Media Conference is being held at the University of Miami, February 8-9, 2007, with major support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The dual themes will be connecting digital services to physical communities – and how to finance those digital services.

Scholarships are available, deadline to apply is […]

World Changing Book is here

Those of you who regularly read the World Changing blog will be happy to know that the World Changing book is scheduled for release in early November – you can pre-order your copy now.

Even if you are not familiar with the World Changing site, check out the book any way. Why? Because you […]

MP responds to a constituent’s question on Mzalendo!

Read all about it here.

Quickish hits…

Crazy week…I can see why business people hate lawyers, we make everything complicated

Moving on…

– Investing in Africa, guide to profitable opportunities in African stock markets (hat tip Cold Tusker!).

– You can now add Google Gadgets to your website.

Quick Hits

– Google’s new product test page – Search Mash.

– A film by Rachid Bouchareb is raising awareness about the plight of veterans of the French colonial army.

– For website/graphic designers some nifty Adobe tutorials.

– What exactly is President Bush’s job?