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Some storos…

– Does Safaricom Bambanet herald the dawn of affordable internet access in Kenya? Lets hope the connectivity speed matches up to the pricing. Users of the service, please let us know.

– No afro’s please, we’re a law firm. What the hell? I’m a bit sensitive to this issue being a black, afro-rocking, nose-ring […]

…gosh, the days are flying…can’t believe it’s been over a week since I posted. Not suffering from writer’s block, just trying to juggle motherhood, work (which is suddenly crazy busy and has to fit into a part-time schedule), and a long-overdue Mzalendo ramp up especially with elections around the corner.

Oy vey.

Speaking […]

Quick hits

– Competition is good :-), probably in response to Sambaza Now, Mama Mikes is running the following airtime campaign:

Airtime ordered before 5pm Kenyan time is topped up the same day All phone numbers are verified before topped up (no making mistakes) You can top up more than one phone in one order […]

Little Ms. Sunshine

IMG_0670 Originally uploaded by ateka.

We can sit up on our own for a bit, ears got pierced with minimal fuss, still hate carrots, don’t care too much for any kind of cereal either but mama is insisting.


TED Global Africa Talks are up

The first series of talks from TED Global have been posted, so you can now all see what we were raving about. Two of my favorites are up – Ngozi Okojo-Iweala’s nuanced summary of the themes that permeated the conference (best line – infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure) and William Kakwamba’s earnest story of his journey to […]