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Gabriella 2.5 weeks

Gabi1_2.5weks Originally uploaded by ateka.

New Corruption Reports

Still no good connectivity at home so the hiatus continues. Gabriella is also decidedly nocturnal for now so keeping watchie hours. Will try and post pics soon and one of these days do proper posts on motherhood.

In the meantime, please check out these two excellent reports on local corruption scandals – Anglo Leasing […]

Mzalendo makes the BBC news!

Great piece on Mzalendo by Andrew Heavens who blogs who at Meskel Square.

The interview was done about a little over a week before baby KP was born…Mama was working hard until the end

Announcing Bar Camp Nairobi

First, thank you all for your kind words. Have to figure out how to fight off the punks down the road. We are doing well though Mama has to learn how to survive on catnaps since the concept of sleep is out the window.

Still no ADSL at home. I’ve succumbed and got a MTN […]

Baby Gabriella (aka Baby KP)

Adorable3 Originally uploaded by ateka.

DOB 23/02/07. Mama and baby are doing very well and hope to give regular updates as soon as Telkom SA deems it appropriate to install an ADSL line at home.
