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“Packed lunch” trauma

The other day, I was having a conversation with some friends that took me back in the day in Memoire style. We were talking about the packed lunch trauma that those of us whose parents could not afford to buy “hot lunch” or swing you money for chips in primary school underwent (another devastating one […]

Thanks! (Kaybee Awards)

Kenyan Pundit won the award for best political blog. To everyone who nominated me, voted for me, encouraged me to keep going, THANK YOU!!! And congratulations to all the other nominees and winners…the KBW is testament to the (underacknowledged and often hidden) vibrancy and talent that Kenya holds, and for me always a source of […]

Quick hits

– My new obsession – food blogs (I love cooking), among my favs The Cooks Cottage (via Global Voices and check out the blogroll as well).

– Nokia introduces local Nigerian languages as an option on their mobile phones. Nice.

– For the Mac geeks, 10 Essential Mac Apps. I’m a particular fan […]

Voting time for the first Kenyan Blog Awards

The VERY first official Kenyan bloggers meetup was in December 2003 at ka-Choi and was attended by two bloggers – myself and Unganisha. He was the only person blogging from Nairobi at the time. Back then I’d search Technorati and Google every single day for new Kenyan blogs to add to my blog roll. Now […]

Imagining Ourselves: A Global Generation of Women

I meant to link to this project a while back after I met the one of the founders at TED. Better late than never…Imagining Ourselves is “a platform for young women to create positive change in their lives, their communities, and the world. The project includes not only this groundbreaking online exhibit, but also a […]

How to mess up your country…

So our Minister of Agriculture Kipruto Kirwa has remained intent on screwing up the local sugar industry (rumor has it that those 89,000 tonnes have financed this). Kirwa’s shenanigans aside, the local sugar industry would still have problems competing effectively due to high production costs etc. While other African players in the sugar industry including […]

Quick hits

– Kenyan courts to FINALLY have stenographic services. About freaking time.

– Chinese as a second language?

– For the geeks, Roofnet, experimental 802.11 mesh network that will be used in conjunction with the One Laptop per child project. The software is open source and they have a great wiki.

– Google Calendar. […]

Bit of gossip

Rumor has it: Bank involved in this story is Victoria Bank and this company “Among the accounts examined is one belonging to a company that had evaded Value Added Tax to the tune of Sh247 million while no opening forms were found for an individual’s account with a turnover of Sh2.186 billion” is Nakumatt. Sources […]