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Guardian International Journalism Competition

Deadline for entry is May 8. Details are here.

Quick Hits April 24

– Interesting perspective on Kisumu youth who took part in the riots (if you ignore the author’s tendency for the overdramatic). I really wish more of our Kenyan writers / journalists would make an effort to talk to and write about the often faceless and nameless “violent youth with nothing to lose”.

– And another […]

Concerned Citizens for Peace Meeting Apr 18


* There are 250 camps still existing countrywide. Little concrete solution for them and we don’t want them to become a forgotten species. Need symbolic gesture to remind govt and public about this situation – a group from CCP to spend night in the camps. Through this, they can strengthen the call for political […]

Challenges of the Grand Coalition Part 1(guest post)


1.0. Challenge # 1: Credibility

The Grand Coalition is slowly rousing to its feet amidst widespread cynicism, bewilderment, anger and disappointment.

The fact that almost half of the 220 member Kenya National Assembly will be in government is astounding, especially if one takes into account the high falutin’ earnest pledges by the […]


[I’m in Uppsala, Sweden speaking at a conference so posting will be light]

I’ve been spending the last week or two trying to revisit Kenya’s political history from an academic perspective (and trying to get back in to the habit of reading voraciously) with the help of a bunch of mailing lists that I subscribe […]

Forum on Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission

The Multi-Sectoral Task Force on Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission and Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice (KPTJ) invites you to a public forum to be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at Norfolk Hotel Nairobi. Time 830 a.m – 12.30 p.m

The Government has now drafted a Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission […]

Quick Hits April 8

– One of the better written pieces on Mobitelea that I have seen. Too bad this issue was handled shoddily by ODM, they had a real opportunity to give this story legs. And I like that there is some finger pointing and Vodafone and the Brits as well – it takes two to tango.


Zimbabwe elections

Analogies are being made between the current situation in Zimbabwe and the aftermath of the elections in Kenya. Others argue that the two are completely different. What worries me (apart from the prospect of Mugabe’s return) is that the possible development of a new trend of “civilian coups” in Africa. Nigeria and Ethiopia managed to […]