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Link of the week

The Web Bandit (Living the Nairobi Life).

Unveiling the mysteries of the Kenyan Parliament…

…has been much harder than I could ever have imagined.

I have a project that I’m trying to get going that on some level might need to rely on the largesse of the very institution that I’m about to throw barbs at, but oh well….

As recently reported by the Standard and blogged […]

Polling Station Kasarani

Polling Station Kasarani Originally uploaded by ateka.

Voters line up to cast their vote during Monday’s referendum.

Voters in Kasarani Constituency

Voters Kasarani Originally uploaded by ateka.

Zimmer Beach Club

Zimmer Beach Club Originally uploaded by ateka.

Apparently, there’s a beach in Zimmerman Estate.

Images from the Referendum Process

Orange Supporters Outside Court Originally uploaded by ateka.

Orange supporters awaiting for Raila et. al to emerge from court after Tuesday’s ruling on the validity of the referendum

Images from the Referendum

Court_Ruling5 Originally uploaded by ateka.

Hon. Khaniri and Titus Mbithi leaving the court after the hearing on the nolle on Tuesday.