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Is Political Reform Possible in Kenya (event in DC)

Roundtable discussion with:

– Martha Karua, Member of Parliament, Kenya – Paul Muite, former Member of Parliament, Kenya – Makau W. Mutua, Dean and Distinguished Professor, University at Buffalo Law School

Tuesday, June 16, 3:00-5:00 p.m. B1 Conference Level Room B Center for Strategic and International Studies 1800 K St, NW Washington DC

Alston report discussion webcast

Watch the webcast here. It will be interesting to watch what exactly the govt has to say in its defense (they sent a 30-person delegation to Geneva and only have 7 mins to speak WTF!!).

Have Your Say…

In an ideal world, if Kenyan MPs were to embrace the use of technology, what kinds of things would you like to see?

It’s Our Turn to Eat available as an e-book

From Michaela Wrong:

Harper Collins have finally come up with an e-book of “It’s Our Turn to Eat”. So Kenyans can buy the PDF file, and there’s no excuse for any further piracy or bootlegging. Please pass this around on your mailing lists and post it on your websites. We’ve tried to keep the […]

On Martha Karua

I’m in Nairobi for a bit and the hottest news at the moment is Karua’s resignation.

I have no doubt (and I have it on good authority) that she was indeed being frustrated in her role as Minister of Justice – apparently Gicheru has way more sway than she did with the ‘baks, however, lets […]

Workshop on the Truth Commission

I am currently attending a workshop on lessons Kenya can learn from the South African Truth and Reconciliation process. I’m here wearing my concerned Kenyan citizen hat (otherwise my Saturday mornings are precious family time) and my Ushahidi hat…focusing mainly on the process of documentation and on how we can help ensure that information collected […]

Open letter to PM Raila Odinga on assasination of activists

Full text can be found here.

Two Civil Society Activists Murdered in Nairobi

What the fuck is going on in Kenya???? Is the police state creeping back???

I don’t think I can get anymore despondent about the direction in which things are going….

Below, an official statement by KNCHR and other civil society organizations.