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East African Community Investment Forum in NY

Click here for details.

Kenya govt/parastatal office = twilight zone

You have to read this post.

I’m sure many of us can relate.

Dear American Voter Project

“Dear American Voter” is inviting you to be a part of a global dialogue featuring responses from around the world to the question, “What should Americans think about as they cast their ballot? ” (Uumm…if you vote for McCain…goodbye USA, hello Russia and China).

You can participate by sending in your videos, photos and text […]

Ushahidi website relaunched and other big news

So I’ve tinkered in a lot of activism / tree-hugging / save the world type endeavors in the last few (or more) years most of which have not achieved the notoriety of Mzalendo or Ushahidi…largely because I’ve been unable to clone myself, sometimes inertia, and then there’s that pesky problem of paying the bills. I’m […]

More details on alleged post-election violence perps

This is the most detailed document I’ve seen so far. The press has been dancing around the names probably because of the fear of libel suits.

Hat tip Steve! (and y’all please keep the leaks coming).

Microsoft Sponsored Kenyan Blogger Conference

So Microsoft is thinking about sponsoring a bloggercon for Kenyan bloggers. If you would be interested in attending such a conference, please leave your details here. EDIT: Wait to get more details about the event first before signing up.

AOB: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your very kind comments on my TED […]