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Asking why not instead of why…

About this time last year, Live 8 was dominating the Kenyan and African blogosphere. One theme that emerged from the discussion was that while ranting and raving and making ourselves be heard was all well and good, it (blogoactivism?) doesn’t do much to address the realities and challenges of the continent.

Over the last few weeks, I think I’m beginning to see a pattern emerge as far as Afro-bloggers taking their ideas to the next level and it’s making me very happy. Tangent: It’s not an easy thing to do…I can’t even begin to tell you how many people have told me that Mzalendo will be a non-starter because Kenyans don’t care about what their politicians are up to…our philosophy, if we build it they will come. Tangent Over.

From Cheeseforge and Zangu News, to the budding idea of Sanaa. From recently launched Afrigadget and African Women Blogs aggregator to Kenyamoto. And from the tireless Africa and entrepreneurship promoter, Emeka (with others) DeniAfrica.

Keep up the good work and keep asking why not!

6 comments to Asking why not instead of why…

  • Anonymous

    The man who misses the fun
    Is he who says it can’t be done
    In solemn pride he stands aloof
    And greets each venture with reproof
    Had he the power he’d efface
    The history of the human race
    We’d have no radio or motor cars
    No streets lit by electric cars
    No Telegraph or Telephone
    We’d linger in stone age
    The world would sleep if things were run
    By men who say , ” It cant be done”.

    We are with you Ory. Keep up the good work.

  • acolyte

    I agree that blogging isn’t in vain but on the other hand we are far from achieveing social change via technology as is happening in the West.
    Blogs do give a valuable means for sharing information and ideas ie your very own Mzalendo.com I haven’t come across a ground roots project that was fuelled by blog power.Plus what has hindered many African blogs from achieving their full potential is the fact that many blogs are read by bloggers and so many bloggers are in effect preaching to the choir.
    But I am free to be corrected about that too….

  • nm

    I care…and check out my blog to find out:


    I just started, but I’ll be adding a lot more stuff as I go along.

  • antony

    just read of this blog site today. am i the only one who didn,t know about it. maybe i need to get my head out of tax law for a while. ory, tell kevin kelly you are a lady not a man. and keep up the good work

  • Glad that Kenyan blogosphere has settled down , Yours will be the one through which I will go in search of others there . thanks for the links.

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