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Election Update 30 Dec 11:15 am

Raila just got done with a press briefing. Here are the main points:

– Started off by appealing to his supporters to be patient while they await a honest count of the vote and to respect the rule of the law.

– Said that the government has lost legitimacy based on the results and that Kibaki shouldn’t govern if he respects the people. Said that the parliamentary results confirm that Kenyans have no confidence in him. Asked him to be a gentleman and concede defeat.

– Has asked for a full recount to be held in view of media and observers. Does not trust the audit that went on last night at KICC. Said that commissioners are being influenced by the government to doctor results.

– Gave an example of Juja constituency whose figures announced by the ECK had changed three times – started at 70k, now a 100k.

– He said that the form 16A results are not tallying up with the results announced by the ECK in a number of constituencies including Gatanga, Nithi and Kiambaa. For a great overview of how the process of counting at the polling stations is supposed to take place and results be confirmed, check out Kenyan Jurist.

– Raila said it was possible to “salvage the situation and avoid plunging the country into chaos” with a transparent audit of the results.

– He said he will not accept a Kibaki win without a recount.

During the Q&A

– He said the courts were not an option, because they will not be impartial.

– When asked about the figures he was challenging, he wondered how he could have only gained 100,000 votes while Kibaki gained 400,000 votes from the additional constituencies when just two of the constituencies in the tally – Sotik and Alego Usonga could have given him 100,000 votes – where are the additional votes and why isn’t the media doing the math.

– When asked where he thought the doctoring was taking place, he said at the ECK top level and not at the constituencies because agents from all sides had confirmed results at the constituency level (except in the ares where there was chaos).

– He said that ODM have sources within the ECK who are not happy with the fact that they are being asked to doctor and who are leaking info.

– He claimed that Kajiado North was openly rigged, as of yesterday Sakuda was leading with 25k votes, but as of this morning Saitoti won by 20k votes. Sakuda and his agents not allowed to witness the whole process.

– When asked about the fact that he had declared himself the winner. He said that he was “not trying to do an Abiola in Kenya” if he loses fairly he will accept the results, but “the people of Kenya” will not accept rigged results.

– Asked what he will do if the ECK refused to do a recount, he said they will cross that bridge when they get there.

– He said that if Kivuitu is being forced to doctor the results he should resign rather than plunge the country into chaos.

– He again asked his followers to be peaceful (in Swahili) and said that we are all Kenyans and we should protect the country. He told his followers to avoid looting, breaking the law, and harassing those who did not support him. He said that everyone has a right to exercise their rights, even those who didn’t vote for him and asked people to be patient and wait for the results.

– He said that even if they have a majority in parliament (ODM has 100 seats right now), Kibaki will do what he did after ’02 and the referendum and co-opt ODM guys into his government.

– He used Ivory Coast as an example of where things could go based on a “small mistake” (which I thought was very very inflammatory).

No word on whether PNU will respond.

24 comments to Election Update 30 Dec 11:15 am

  • Mimi

    Thanks Ory for the update- don’t know where we would be w/o KP!! and as for what’s going on….OMG!!!!!

  • joe

    Good move by raila, but some of the situations he alluded to, might actually fan more tension. I got on on feeling he is frustrated but that is not an credible excuse.i want to see PNU also give their side so that we know the next step that might deal with this impasse

  • Rottuk

    Thanks sana for the update on what raila said.

  • Caleb

    Nothing is inflammatory about providing an example like the Ivory Coast which was like the Kenya of West Africa, only distrust and rigging to start and today it is known where they are. Kibaki at the age of 80 shouldn’t plunge this country into chaos. He has no mandate from Kenya and Kenyans. You can’t insist on ruling “Kenya” the nation because your tribe voted for you. He has lost in every province apart from GEMA land. By rigging in himself, what does he think of the Kenyan future? The President should be honest and concede defeat graciously. Those who are supporting him saying he has the power of incumbency are not only tribal demagogues but illogical. If your child is sitting for an examination, and then a fellow classmate who may be older than him or admitted to the school earlier cheats the exams and beats your child for the scholarship, what do you do? Do you tell your child to respect the outcome since the older/admitted earlier (Kibaki) has cheated the exams and won the scholarship? It is about our future and not a tribal issue. It is about a million years to come and not today. Kibaki must go lest he will live to regret. Stand for Kenya and support fair play, justice and democracy. I regret voting for him in 2002. I wish I know his true character by then. Regret comes later.

  • kenyancommentator

    Doesn’t Kibaki feel obliged to say anything? Hallo? This guy should be voted out ASAP. He has no clue as to what leadership entails. The streets of Kenya are burning and he has barricated himself in state house.

  • Ashley

    I think that Raila made the right move by asking ODM’ers to avoid confrontation at all costs. No one is entitled to the Presidency.
    However, I disagree when Raila talks about “crossing bridges” and citing Ivory Coast as the example. That sounds contradictory on his part.

  • Justin

    Thanks Ory for the updates…sorry about crazy people turning your blog into some tribal hall…they always do these but dont allow them…thats why Mashada is a nut house.
    Anyway good work and information on the elections…and did i forget to say that your daughter looks cute…like mother like daughter?

  • A Congolese

    It’s around 4 a.m. here in Washington, DC and I can’t sleep—watching yet another sham of an election on the African continent, this time around in Kenya. My God! even the Congo organized better elections in 2006… The English-language program of the French TV channel “France24” has a pretty good correspondent in Nairobi in the person of Ms. Anjali Nayer, an Indian or Pakistani lady… I also saw on that channel Odinga decrying an election process that has been “fraudulent at every step of the way”… Is this Nigeria again?

  • Joshua, Kilifi

    I think it is right to cite Ivory Coast as an example of where this can lead us, but it’s not for Raila to make that kind of declaration, as he is part of the problem. Kenya CAN slip into chaos, and the writing is on the wall. We are heading in that direction, but it is not too late to turn the tide.

    Raila gave a good press announcement, but has not been the leader he needs to be in these difficult times. He could have done better these last two days. Kibaki has been utterly unworthy of the trust that we Kenyans. Where is he?

    Two things must happen now:
    1. If Raila and Kibaki were true leaders, they would do a joint announcement, together infront of the cameras, calling for calm.
    2. Our country’s elders, who no longer have a stake in this election – Njonjo, Moi, etc. must get together provide some guidance.

    There is more at stake here than the personal ambitions of two unworthy leaders. Indeed, there is more at stake than an election. The lives of Kenyans, and the future of our country are at stake.

  • hakunaa

    Thanks for the update ory.
    I see some people seeking any shred of COMFORT from these updates. They should look widely to find a more complete picture because some consequences will trickle down to their individual level. Everyone will feel the impact of this.

    Kenyans are so mad withtheir politicians (Kibaki is enemy numero UNO), not even Raila can appease them.

    Already Kyuks are being told to pack and leave from parts of kenya. Its that bad.

  • A Congolese

    By the way, Kenya doesn’t hold any patent on fraudulent elections. We need to remember that George W. Bush stole the elections in 2000… Poleni wandungu…

  • kenyanchicabroad

    Just to say thank you for the detailed unbiased update. In the UK local press are barely reporting anything – most likely due to B Bhuttos death. Thanks again.

  • Mogesi Gwaro

    I agree with what Joshua is Kilifi has just said. But I beg to differ on the inclusion of former Prezzo Moi’s name. He has been more of a divider than a uniter. After all his sons loosing, who do you think shall listen to him?

    The PC Raila did was timely only to mess it up with the Ivory Coast statement. At such a time, any kind of provocation calls for more chaos.

  • Tako la fisi

    NO WAY. Kibaki continues to rule because there are about 59 perecent kenyans who want him. so , Raila, try 2012

  • kate

    it is too bad for us kenyans. kenyans decided for themselves whom they wanted why are they being denied. Just as Odinga said if Kibaki is a gentleman he should just accept the defeat and let go. It is quiet ubsurd for kenyans. Im away but i tear for my fellow country mates.

  • Observer

    I know that a time was not announced for when the results would be issued, but does anyone know what the hold up is?

  • Joshua, Kilifi

    Mogesi Gwaro, yes, you are right about Moi.

    It is for the Attorney General to step in and sort out the mess.

    If only they could come up with a result, then due process, instead of street riots, can take their course

  • Ronald

    Thank you pundit for all the updates and clarifying you are a woman. I think ECK should put a gag on both candidates. What they say has implications.And is it possible to watch the news online?is it on youtube?

  • Adeline

    why are people preempting the announcement by the ECK? most of the comments here are making the assumption that Raila has won. and yes Raila’s statement is contradictory – asking his supporters not to loot or cause violence but at the same time saying he wont accept a Kibaki win. meaning its him or ………Ivory Coast?

  • Catts

    Call a spade a spade and not a big spoon. I see no fault in Raila giving comparison of a ‘ small mistake’ blowing up like Ivory Coast. To keep it real, it is that bad. Try and talk to your pals at home or folks. Blood was being shed jana, i don’t know about today.

    I just spoke to my dad and said that the Army is in parts of the country. One would think that Kenya is in a State of emergency. There is word going around that there might be curfews later on and folks should stock up on essentials.
    It’s scary!

    What puzzled me even more was that the results were doctored at the ECK and the returning officers are disputing the numbers fron some constituencies. I wonder what the current government has been doing to be scared of Raila becoming president.

    The whole situation now seems more personal than anything else. Who is thinking about Kenya’s future?

    Thanks Ory for your updates and for keeping tribalist comments out.

  • the full video transcript

  • mutemi

    Thanks Pundit. This is the only site where i find sensible, mature, non-tribal, nationalistic, patriotic sentiments by Kenyans.
    Please Mr: ‘Tako la fisi ‘…look for a blog where people of your attitude expose their stupidity. Not here.
    I’m writing from Oregon,US.I’ve stayed awake now 427am US pacific time, 327pm Kenyan time waiting for the results but nothing. I fully agree with Mr. Odinga. The entire results have lost credibility. Either a recount or Kenya goes Madagascar way. Do u remember when incumbent Didier Ratsiraka rigged and the opposition Marc Ramananolovana rejected the results, announced his cabinet. Madagascar had 2 govts even jeshi for 6 months till Washington recognized Ramanolovana.We are headed there.Mr Odinga,announce your govt.No retreat; No surrender!
    Ronald watch it online on KBC via this link: http://www.jumptv.com/en/channel/kbc/

  • pauline

    I thought that kenya was now ready to claim its position as an economic powerhouse of Africa…(after the unity and passion in 2002)…but I guess I was wrong.
    Can you imagine that in the 70s we were at the same economic position with china if not better? …Where are they now? All I’m trying to say is that we, as a nation have a high potential to be great, only if we unite for a better Kenya. There comes a time when the nation is more important than a few greedy individuals….