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Mzalendo in the news

If you are in Kenya and didn’t catch us on KTN last night, Reuters Africa Journal’s feature on Mzalendo will be repeated this Saturday at 12:30pm.

3 comments to Mzalendo in the news

  • Great news! Now, let’s see you get some funding and be able to really focus on Mzalendo. It’s already a powerful platform, imagine if you could do it full time…

  • anonymous

    Ory just a crazy idea; do you think you can recruit some of the bored college students to help expand Mzalendo as summer projects? Your alma mater Harvard (Kennedy School of Government) might be jazzed by the idea. Consider that angle Mzalendo has enourmous potential.

    Interesting idea…had to get students to volunteer for free…at least in Kenya. Any ideas on what you’d like to see as far as expansion?

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