For those you are interested in following the discussion, the event will be webcast here.
Still not ‘getting’ London…I keep feeling like I’m getting jacked every time I open my wallet. How do you UK-based folks survive in this place? So far the only redeeming things about the city are good sandwiches/sandwich shops, English breakfast, it’s a pastry and sweet tooth heaven, and the opportunity to see some fine-looking-well-put-together-brothas (I’m with Prodigal Daughter on this one, there is hardly any eye candy of the male variety in Nairobi).
WTF Moment: There are no street lights in my estate in Nairobi and the City Council wants to refurbish the Nyayo Monument? Seems like there’s lots of folks smoking crack in Nairobi nowadays…
WTF Moment 2: Cabinet disaster/circus. First thing I thought when I saw the picture of Kirwa being sworn in…he must have been thinking, ‘Man! Gotta finish that Kshs 47 million Karen house in a jiffy (why hasn’t any journalist done a story on this house and Raila’s for that matter). Other clowns…ever reliable Kiunjuri…for a minute I was like dang! even Kiunjuri has declined a position. Mwenje is back on the fence as usual…might not want to be on the wrong side of his constituents again.
BTW, the biggest losers in this whole scenario are women…more on that later. Edit: See this Nation editorial on the absence of women in the new cabinet.
Maybe its because quite often, the fine-looking-well-put-together-brothas are only good to look at. The sloppy njoroge cross the finish line almost effortlessly:wink:
That’s why I refer to them as eye candy…kuangalia si kununua
Husiangalie sana
In regards to the Global Voices Summit, does one have to maintain a blog to participate in future conferences? An where can I find a podcast or transcript of the discussions at the 2005 summit? I tried the site, couldn’t find any….
Blogs are definitely becoming a force to reckon with when it comes to dissimination of info. Lots of professionals now maintain blogs in their various industries as “experts” in their field
Hi Milka, the conference was predominately attended by bloggers though invite rules may change in the future. You can find the full transcript and podcasts should be up soon.
Thanks for the info:smile:! I’ll read through it. I have a white paper my Co. did on blogging & corporate reputation. I can send it to you.