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Women’s March for Peace – March 8th

On International Women’s Day Saturday, 8 March 2008 WOMEN FOR KENYA Invite All Kenyan Women to Join Together in a Peaceful March As mothers, wives and daughters, Kenyan women have endured tragedy in the past two months. Too many of us have lost family members and homes. Others of us have done what we can […]

Quick Hits: Mar 5

– Bankelele has a great write-up of this years first Skunkworks meeting held at the Google offices in Kenya. For more about Skunkworks, click here. There’s 3 points that resonate with me in Bankelele’s write-up:

1. The fear of sharing content online – or really just sharing information in Kenya. From government, to private […]

CCP Meeting Update Feb 29


The meeting began by recognising the historical moment arrived at yesterday with the signing of the mediated peace deal through the assistance of the Kenya National Dialogue and reconciliation Team headed by H.E. Koffi Annan.

The meeting focused on the views of the Members towards the peace deal, urging them to […]

Further development for Ushahidi

We are working on developing Ushahidi into a tool that can be applied to other crises and on improving its applicability in the Kenyan situation even after the power-sharing agreement. We’ve entered the Netsquared Mashup Challenge where we can stand to win up $20,000 for development. Show your support by voting for us. Details are […]